Welcome to the IWSO

How did it all start?

Three former music teaching colleagues pondered over the lack of opportunities for classical music collaborations and performance in their own communities. A plan was hatched….

The Inner West Symphony Orchestra (IWSO) was born from a simple desire – to communicate, to collaborate, to include and to create music within our local community.

Community orchestras abound in Victoria, but for many decades, none existed within the western suburbs of Melbourne.  Musicians wishing to play in an orchestra either traveled to distant suburbs or put their dreams on ice.

When the call went out for members to join this new venture in mid-2023, the response was magical!  Those who hadn’t dusted off their instruments since high school; aspiring young professionals; former performers; and many more.  From our first rehearsal friendships began and a family was forming.

Our players range in age from 15 to 70 (hope we’re not telling any secrets here!), represent many ethnicities, neuro and gender diversities and physical capabilities – but all sharing a passion for music making.

We welcome players of all abilities – community music making is not about mastery but about growth – and have been incredibly fortunate to engage a conductor and build a committee of those who share our beliefs.

We celebrate each and every member and the joy they bring, and trust that we can continue to build and share that joy with audiences for many years to come – changing and evolving to reflect our ever changing community.

Elisa Kelly, Alison Farr & Emma Rudin

IWSO Founders


Andrew Leach

Concert Master

Michael Patton

Born in England, Michael started violin at the age of 4 and went on to receive an honours degree in Music from The University of Birmingham before completing his PGCE at Reading University.

During this time he received training from a variety of world renowned musicians in all aspects of the violin and orchestral musicianship.

Upon moving to Melbourne, Michael has worked with many amateur and professional orchestras, including VYSO, Australasian Orchestra and Synthony.

Michael is delighted to take the role of Concertmaster for the newly formed IWSO and hopes that he can foster the sense of community and inclusion whilst striving to coach the orchestra in technique and musicianship to achieve musical excellence.